[Oops! Sexist, I'm sure!]
Like so many of the phrases I don't know the French for, this one will remain unsaid.
Probably for the best.
Last week's discussion with David was about M. Dorian, the younger carpenter: he has the physique of a [male] ballet dancer; I think that's an enormous compliment, David is fairly sure it's an insult. My reasoning: male dancers have just the most perfectly-toned bodies I've ever seen - not too bulky, with long lean muscles; my idea of perfection. David's reasoning: even post-Billy Elliot, you're implying a certain 'lack of masculinity' [I think].
Luckily [again] my French isn't up to the challenge of complimenting/insulting this poor workman, so he will continue unaware of my admiration...
Sidenote: women are much better at ogling [not that that's what I was doing!] than men, apparently; something about our eyes not popping out on stalks? Alan and Barbara Pease mention that we can "eye" someone up out of the corners of our eyes [part of the gathering skills women developed long, long ago], whereas men have more of a 'tunnel vision' for their atavistic hunting activities. This means they tend to look directly at what they are looking at [if that makes sense]. Sounds convincing to me!
Anyway, back to men in
Now for a gratuitous link to a pic of a man in a Utilikilt!
[Ooh, the research I had to do for that]
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