Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 20, continued 2

Just had M. Waeber - if I understood correctly, he can't now do the tiling before end July because another job has come up. We're OK with that - don't mind if it happens before or after the windows go in, before or after August. [I told him he either has to ditch the Burgundian accent for an Aubois one, or he has to slow down.]

He thinks the plumbing is wrong for the shower in the bathroom, but maybe the bath plumbing can be re-routed in the concrete under the tiles...

M. Hamid is making the forme for the new brick arch - already it looks a million miles better, and we haven't had a brick [re-]laid yet! We've decided to ditch the "gothic" look.

David saw the earlier post, where everyone was wondering how the window could go so wrong, and reckons that's because they used a cross-eyed builder.  I don't think that's it, EvilDavid!

Just had my meeting with M. Baty; he's totally chilled [and at the moment I wish I could achieve that], and will come along some time late August and discuss designs/measure for the windows & shutters. He's answered all my questions without any fuss, says he has enough paint, and that our other shutters are ready, and he will try to fit them before he goes on holiday at the beginning of August.

That may even happen; who knows?

I think he was quite impressed that we are on the fourth attempt to get the bathroom window opening sorted out, but not in a good way! He said he didn't think we'd had a lot of luck with builders...

On the plus side, M. Baty and several other people have commented that my French is improving, and some are even now brave enough to call me on the telephone; progress indeed.

Everyone today has been commenting that I'm tired; I can't remember if I've mentioned it [I have said to at least one person about waking up every night worrying about something or other that's not been done/done correctly], or if I just look a fright. I haven't burst into tears, at least not in front of anyone; I think I'm just overwrought, and now I'm starting to have confidence in M. Hamid I think the adrenaline I've been running on has petered out!

I don't know why Jean-Marie didn't want to use him for this phase?

So, I'm going to be ultra-sad and take a dose of Night Nurse to help me stay asleep, comfort eat on pasta [mm; cheesy stodge], and will probably be in bed before small children!

ETA: The builders think it was my fault for giving M. Franck coffee; if we applied that logic, no French house would ever look OK!

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