Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Much happier today

As I just posted, starting the day off right is a good start.

I was thinking about the decision/non-decision regarding the corridor joists when I woke up - not saying we didn't want them to re-do the work, was definitely the right choice. My 'angst' about it had already gone before the carpenters started work; a huge clue, I think. Any last concerns melted away when the corners of Laurent Mazij's lips started turning up!

Whilst I was trying to find my other spirit level [I know I've got four, but think I might have a fifth? But the clean ones are in London], I noticed the redstart's nest looked different. I know I shouldn't have, but reckoned the chicks aren't going to "rat" me out, so I took a photo - a way of seeing what's going on in there without getting very close.

What's happening in there is two beaks and a jumble of feathers, with "bald" patches showing through. I daren't investigate further, so don't know if there are five hatchlings or fewer.

Slightly sad note: last night I broke another tooth; thankfully, this one doesn't hurt at all, and is only a corner come off. The filling next to it seems intact, so I will probably wait till I get back to London and see Paul. I've asked David to find some of the "emergency" filling that you can buy for travel, but may not even need that if I can persuade my tongue to leave the hole alone.

I suspect the cause is what I suspected the last time: clenching my teeth in impotent rage at being ignored/having problems with building works & project managers that having a project manager is supposed to prevent.

Very strongly believing that if I have to manage the project and the project managers we could save on fees & hassle by saying "goodbye" to T+B. We shall see if the discussion on Friday blows up into a huge row - if it does and J-M flounces off, well I won't be unhappy! I would hope he could be professional about a disagreement, but the lack of professionalism this time around makes me doubt that...

I don't know he was talking about us, but I overheard him say to M. Mekki that 'someone' hasn't paid his bill, they said they'd send a cheque and they haven't. Either it was a thinly-veiled dig [I don't respond well to passive-aggressive tactics, at all], or he's got another client he's really pissed off!

Gotta go, M. Mekki here...

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