Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 23

The poor plaquistes were here from before 9.15 am (when I got up!) to 6.30 pm; I think they've done all that they can do, and are missing some insulation.

They will need to come back after the plumber has been on Wednesday, but there's not a lot left for them to do. They seemed really keen to get the work finished before the August break, so I do hope they are on overtime, or getting a bonus.

It seems really odd, now that the doorway is partitioned off from the bathroom; I know that very soon I will be used to it, but after it being open, I got used to having three doorways between one space and another. When we can afford to do the bathroom, it will get smaller still, but that's a little while off yet.

The housing for the VMC pipe is as ugly as I imagined; another wasted opportunity to choose an elegant solution. T+B haven't added too much value. I realise that re-routing it during phase 1b would add immensely to the hassle/cost, but that pipe never needed to be in the room at all. I don't even know why it is there: it seems to come out of one wall to go in another - it could have just gone through one wall into the back hall ceiling. Another example of the Heath Robinson too-complicated-for-its-own-good thinking that's made our house less attractive than was possible...

I'm racking my brains for a way to hide that corner.

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